New Fear in a New World Order

One theme that we have discussed in depth as a class recently was the shift from the old world order to the new world order.  One thing that changed during this time in concurrence with the shift towards a new world order was a shift in warfare and “intelligence” for the US army.  As discussed in chapters 3 and 4 in Cold War the CIA became very prevalent during the Cold War, as we were always trying to catch a slip up by the communist forces in the world. As a result of a new style of warfare, Americans experienced a new type of fear. Although we have always been concerned for our well being, the Cold War brought on a new type of hysteria and internal paranoia that the US had not seen. The sentiment was that Communism could snatch your kids up, or secretly attack at any second. It is also no coincidence  how terms like “national security” that seemed to pop up during the Cold War are still being used today in a society in which we believe that communists  terrorists could strike at any time.

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